Monday, January 28, 2013

So you think you can hoop?

If you're looking at this post thinking, "What the heck is hooping?" then you've probably never been introduced to the art of hula hoop dancing. Yes, there is such a thing as dance hooping. In fact, there are many communities of hoopers all over the world. Hoopsters are known for their artistic movement while dancing with their hoop as if it were their dance partner. I myself have been a hoopster for almost two years thanks to a great friend and highly experienced hoopster, Leesa, who introduced me to dance hooping.
I wouldn't consider myself a hoop fanatic, but it is definitely a fun and engaging pastime. It's a great form of exercise and it has been scientifically proven to improve your balance! Not to mention, you can burn 600 calories an hour (10 calories every minute) just dance hooping alone! Anyways, if you are interested in learning to dance hoop or just wanting to look at some hoopers in action, I'd suggest browsing Youtube and searching "Hula Hoop dancing" or watching some of "Safire's dance hooping"videos on Youtube as well. Happy hooping! :)